Conservatives lead Liberals by 4 as inflation, healthcare, and the economy in focus.

If an election were held today, 35% would vote for the Conservative Party, 31% for the Liberal Party, 18% for the NDP, and 7% for the BQ. There have been little change since the end of November.

The Conservatives are ahead in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The Conservatives and Liberals are statistically tied in Ontario. In Quebec, the Liberals lead the BQ by 7 points while the Liberals are well ahead in Atlantic Canada.

In Ontario (where we surveyed 1,000 respondents), the Liberals lead the Conservatives by four points in Toronto (40% to 36%) and 3-points in the region surrounding Toronto.


Today, 34% approve, and 47% disapprove of the performance of the federal government, largely unchanged from the end of November. Since July 2022, the federal government’s approval rating has hovered in a band between 33% and 38%.

Regionally, the government’s approval rating is 34% in BC, 24% in Alberta, 21% in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 37% in Ontario, 36% in Quebec, and 35% in Atlantic Canada.


The top three issues of concern continue to be the rising cost of living (72% selected it as their top 3), healthcare (51%), and the economy (44%). Housing affordability and accessibility is not far behind in fourth at 41%.

Since the end of November, there hasn’t been much change in the top issues with housing affordability rising 3-points and climate change and the environment dropping 3 points. Just about 1 in 4 Canadians rate climate change and the environment as a top issue.

For Liberal Party supporters, the top issues are inflation (66%), healthcare (53%), the economy (42%), and housing (41%). They are 21 points more likely to rate climate change as a top issue than Conservative supporters (35% vs. 14%).

Conservative Party supporters rank inflation (80%), the economy (59%), healthcare (54%), and housing (36%) as the top issues of concern. Conservative supporters are 7-points more likely than Liberals to rate crime as a top issue (19% vs. 12%), 14-points more likely to rate “a lack of freedom” as a top issue (16% vs. 2%) and 17-points more likely to rate the economy as a top issue (59% vs. 42%) than the Liberals.

When asked which party would do the best on the issues they selected, the Conservatives lead on the economy (by 28 points over the Liberals), lack of freedom in Canada (45 to 9), and crime and public safety (40 to 17).

The Liberals are ahead of the Conservatives among those who rate the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a top issue (34 to 22).

On the top issue of the rising cost of living, the Conservatives have a substantial advantage over the other parties. 31% picked the Conservatives followed by the NDP at 17% and the Liberals at 16%.

The three main parties are within a few points of each other on healthcare while the NDP is eight points ahead of the Conservatives on housing affordability.


Today, 51% of Canadians definitely want to see a change in government while another 10% would like to see change but say it’s not that important to them. In contrast, 38% would like to see the Liberals re-elected but only 14% say they definitely want the Liberals re-elected.

Compared to the end of the 2021 federal election campaign, the intense desire for change is unchanged while those wanting to definitely see the Liberals re-elected is down 5-points.


Public feelings about Prime Minister Trudeau have stabilized but remain lower than at any point since 2015. The Prime Minister’s negatives stand at 49% – down from a peak of 51% – and up only a single point from last month.


For the last couple of years, Jagmeet Singh has been the most popular of the federal leaders, at one time his net rating was +21 (46% positive/25% negative). Since then, his positives have slid, and his negatives have risen. This latest result shows a slight improvement in his positives – up 2 points since the end of November.


Over the past two months, impressions of Pierre Poilievre have not changed much. His negatives are steady at 35% while his positives are down only slightly by 2 points to 29%


One of the things we are starting to track again is the preference for either Mr. Trudeau or Mr. Poilievre as Prime Minister. Today, 54% of Canadians would prefer Mr. Trudeau as Prime Minister while 46% would prefer Mr. Poilievre.

Regionally, Mr. Trudeau is the preferred choice of half or more in BC (54%), Ontario (53%), Quebec (66%), and Atlantic Canada (65%). Mr. Poilievre is the preferred choice by half or more in Alberta (61%), and Saskatchewan and Manitoba (62%).

Among current NDP supporters, Trudeau is preferred by a 4 to 1 margin (72% to 28%). Among BQ supporters, Trudeau is preferred 69% to 31% over Poilievre.


According to David Coletto: “As the new year begins, political opinions in Canada look remarkably similar to what it was around the end of the year.  The Conservatives continue to sustain a lead over the Liberals nationally but the Liberals remain competitive or lead east of the Ontario/Manitoba border. The Prime Minister’s personal image remains as negative as it has been since the Liberal Party’s first election win in 2015 but he is still preferred to Pierre Poilievre by 8 points in a head-to-head hypothetical match-up.

Most troubling for the Liberals in these numbers are the issue performance questions. Among those who say inflation is a top issue, the Liberals are in third, well behind the Conservatives and slightly behind the NDP on which party people think would do the best on it. The Liberals also trail among those who rate the economy, healthcare or housing as a top issue. Perhaps most worrisome, is the Liberals only own a single issue – the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The challenge is that only 6% of Canadians rank it in their top 3 issues – lower than any other issue we test for.

Why does this matter? Issue ownership is a strong predictor of vote choice. Voters, especially uncommitted or swing voters, tend to vote for the party they think will do the best job on the issue they care most about. Right now, if a federal election focused on inflation or the cost of living, the Liberals would be in a tough position to be re-elected. The Liberals will need to shift these perceptions or hope the issues in focus shift


The survey was conducted with 2,099 Canadian adults from January 12 to 16, 2023. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.2%, 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.

Abacus Data follows the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that can be found here:


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

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Are Canadians Stepping Into 2023 on the Right Foot?

For many of us, a new year symbolizes a fresh start. A time for resolutions, resets and redefining our goals. But we are curious, are Canadians starting 2023 off on the right foot? How many of us had a positive mindset heading into 2023? Well, we looked into our happiness monitor numbers for some insights.

Heading into 2023 the average happiness score was 6.56.

The average Canadian ranks their happiness at a 6.56/10. Happiness is tied to:

  • Gender- men are much happier than women
  • Age- those 60+ are much happier than the rest of us
  • Location- those in Quebec are much happier than average

Happiness and money concerns are linked.

Inflation and the rising cost of living continue to be significant stressors for many Canadians. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that financial situations are linked to our happiness.

Happiness is tied to:

  • Income- a household income of $100k or higher means higher levels of happiness
  • Worries about inflation- higher than average happiness for those who are not worried, lower than average happiness for those who are very worried about inflation

Things aren’t all bad. Our end-of-year happiness scores have been slowly increasing over the last three years.

This is the happiest ‘new year’ we’ve had in three years.

We’ve been measuring the happiness of Canadians for the last three years, and this past December was our happiest yet. Whether it be the increase in gatherings over the holidays this year or our emergence (hopefully) from COVID, Canadians are starting this new year off on a better foot than years before.


As we enter 2023 a lot lies ahead. Canada, and the world is poised for a lot of negatives, but also positives. It seems Canadians have chosen to focus their outlook on the later, focusing on the new beginning and a chance for a reset that the new year offers.


This survey was conducted with 1,656 Canadian adults from December 9th to 14th 2022.  The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.408%, 19 times out of 20.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.408%, 19 times out of 20.

The data was weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

The 2022 Holiday Season: More of the Same

With the holiday season in full swing, and restrictions lifted across the country, will Canadians be celebrating as per usual this year?

In our latest national omnibus survey, we ask Canadians how they are planning to celebrate the holidays. From the looks of things, this year will likely be a lot more of the same.

Here’s a summary of what we found:

Over 3 in 10 Canadians (35%) will be hosting a holiday meal with family and/or friends this year (up 12-points from 2021) and nearly 6 in 10 Canadians (57%) will be travelling to another household to attend a holiday party. Looking at those who will be travelling, 74% (-2 from 2021) will be staying local, while 18% (+3 from 2021) will be travelling to another part of the province. 5% will be travelling to another province altogether, and 3% plan to travel internationally.

So, what’s on the menu this holiday season? Well, 65% of the holiday dinners will feature turkey as the main course (-15 points from 2021), 21% will be having chicken (-6 points from 2021), 6% ham, and 4% a vegetarian dish (-3 points from 2021). Young people are significantly more likely than older Canadians to venture outside of the typical holiday norms. Those under 45 are significantly more likely to be serving a vegetarian (6%) or chicken dish (20%) this holiday season.

We also asked Canadians to choose their preferences for many classic holiday favourites.

Here’s a summary:

  • Artificial trees (54%) are the preferred type of Christmas tree this year, just beating real trees (46%), and flipping the script on our 2021 results.
  • Michael Bublé (54%) holds his spot as the favourite over Bing Crosby (46%) by a similar margin.
  • Gift wrap options continue to divide the nation: 49% prefer gift bags while 51% prefer wrapping paper.
  • Hot chocolate (74%) has grown in support since 2021, easily beating eggnog (26%) as the preferred holiday beverage.
  • Canadians still prefer to receive cash as a holiday gift (61%), rather than gift cards (39%).

Finally, over three-quarters of Canadians (77%) would prefer to have snow on Christmas, rather than no snow (23%).

Wondering how Canadians’ holiday favourites compare to last year? We followed up with Canadians about their preferred holiday staples such as cookies, side dishes, movies, and songs. Turns out, most Canadians still prefer shortbread cookies (35%), stuffing (37%), Home Alone (35%), and Holy Night (23%).

However, that doesn’t mean you’ll please everyone with these choices. Among those under 45 years old, chocolate chip cookies (31%), potatoes (43%), and Jingle Bells (27%) reign supreme.

For those who were curious, the full results are as follows:

Favourite Holiday Side Dish:

Stuffing – 37% (+1%)

Potatoes – 36% (+3%)

Vegetables – 17% (+3%)

Cranberry Sauce – 6% (-4%)

Pigs in a Blanket – 3% (-3%)

Favourite holiday Cookie:

Shortbread – 35%

Chocolate Chip – 26% (-2%)

Gingerbread – 20% (+1%)

Sugar – 10% (-1%)

Butter – 9% (+1%)

Favourite Holiday Movie:

Home Alone – 35% (-2%)

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation – 20% (-2%)

Elf – 17% (+3%)

It’s A Wonderful Life – 14%

Miracle on 34th Street – 13%

Favourite Holiday Song:

Holy Night – 23% (-3%)

Jingle Bells – 21% (+1%)

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas – 20% (+2%)

White Christmas – 19%

All I Want for Christmas is You – 17%


This survey was conducted with 1,656 Canadian adults from December 9th to 14th 2022.  The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.408%, 19 times out of 20.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.408%, 19 times out of 20.

The data was weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

Feeling the pinch or not sparing an inch? 2022 Holiday spending

We may be more cost conscious this year, but December is usually a time to spend a little more, with inflation chasing us all year long we wanted to see whether it has caught up with our holiday spending.

Most are holding steady on holiday spend, a quarter are spending less. 55% say they will be spending the same as usual on holiday gifts this year, which amounts to just over $600 on average. Those with more names on their list (older Canadians, those with a partner) and a greater household budget plan to spend a lot more.

Women and those in BC are most likely to be paring back on their holiday spending.

Aside from a bit more interest in locally made gifts the average Canadian gift giver is sticking with what they know. But younger consumers, especially Gen Z, are going less materialistic, more cost-conscious this holiday season. A quarter are increasing the number of thrifted, homemade, and experiential gifts they give.

When it comes to our gift giving habits, we also have the following preferences:

  • An immersive shopping experience– in person shopping (57%) vs. online shopping (43%)
  • A personal touch– coming up with gift ideas yourself (62%) vs. using someone’s wish list (38%)
  • Going big– 64% major chains vs. 36% small businesses

Though we may be spending the same this year, many Canadians are looking to stretch their dollars during holiday shopping. Two-thirds of Canadians are using discounts, sales, and promotions for their holiday shopping. Half are cashing in on their credit card or store points. And 15% are signing up for pay later payment plans- up to 28% among 16–29-year-olds.

Regardless of spending habits, cost concerns are in the back of everyone’s mind. 85% of us are paying more attention to what we spend this holiday season. And for two-thirds, they say these concerns are impacting their ability to enjoy the holidays.

Close to half of Canadians are coping by spending now and worrying later. Despite money being on everyone’s mind, many of us are choosing to make it a 2023 problem and worry about the consequences in the new year. Two-thirds of young Canadians hold this belief.


The big takeaway this holiday season is that inflation is on the minds of Canadians-but it has not altered the shopping habits of the majority.

Young consumers (especially Gen Z) are perhaps the best example. They are eager to spend more than usual, but also show the most concern about spending too much- both through their habits (choosing thrifted, homemade) and their thoughts (paying more attention to their holiday spend).

What’s helping these young people put their conscious to rest (albeit temporarily) is that they are choosing to make this a 2023 problem- saying they will deal with the consequences in the new year. Perhaps not the best decision for Canadians as we head into a potential recession, and a signal of what is to come.


The survey was conducted with 1656 Canadian adults from Dec 9 to Dec 14. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.408%, 19 times out of 20.

The data was weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

Abacus Data is hiring a Field Specialist

Location: Ottawa, Toronto, or Anywhere in Canada (Remote work is a possibility)

Compensation: Salaried position with a salary range from $55,000 to $65,000 depending on experience along with a performance bonus and health benefits

Term: Permanent

Expected start date: January 2023

Abacus Data is expanding and we’re looking for someone who is excited to learn and grow in a fast-paced, dynamic work environment. If you’re early in your career, curious to learn new things, thoughtful, detail-oriented, and most importantly, friendly, this could be a great fit for you.

We are looking for a team member to join our field and analysis team. Working with our Director of Field and Analysis and research team leads, you will be responsible for programming surveys, working with datasets, managing samples, and helping build beautiful and impactful reports and presentations.

As an ideal candidate, you have some background in social research, having taken a class or two in university or college. But more importantly, you want to learn and grow in a job that will expose you to all aspects of our work. We want a team member who loves to solve problems, find creative ways of doing things, and likes checking off to-do lists.

• Support the Director of Field and Analysis in programming surveys, coordinating logistics for qualitative research, fielding sample, testing surveys, coordinating translation, managing data sets, and building presentations and report charts/tables.
• Support the research team with initial data analysis and report building

• Problem solver who wants to learn and grow in a dynamic, fast-paced environment
• Prior research experience is an asset, but not a requirement.
• An analytical mind, comfortable with numbers and data.
o Advanced math or data software skills are not required but would be an asset.
• Clear evidence of being detail-oriented, with a focus on delivery and error-free work.
• Ability to work with minimal supervision
• University or college degree/diploma in a related field.
• Bilingualism (English and French) is not a requirement but is an asset.
• HTML experience is not a requirement but is an asset.

About Abacus Data Inc.
We are the only firm that helps organizations respond to the unprecedented threats of generational change and technological disruption.

Founded in 2010, Abacus Data is an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail and exceptional value.

We work with brands and organizations such as Shaw Communications, the Canadian Bankers Association, the Mining Association of Canada, Food & Consumer Products of Canada, NAV Canada, the Canadian Real Estate Association, Teck, Imperial Oil, Nestle Waters, Google, the Air Canada Pilots Association, NUPGE, HealthPartners, the Paramedic Association of Canada, the Canadian Pharmacists Association, and the Canadian Health Food Association.

Our vision is to be Canada’s premier data-based strategy firm with a reputation for outstanding customer service, creative thinking, and innovative methods. We will do that by working harder, being more creative, delivering more value to our clients, while doing it all with a smile.

For more information about Abacus Data, visit our website at

If you think you’re the right candidate for this task, please send a cover letter and CV to Jonathan Nadeau (link) by January 13, 2023 at 5pm ET. Only those selected for the next round of the process will be contacted.

Alberta Politics Deep Dive: Notley’s NDP leads Smith and the UCP by 8 but a core group of “reluctant” UCP voters will likely decide the election

Earlier this week I was in Calgary speaking to a business group about the political environments in Canada and Alberta. I shared some data from a new survey Abacus Data completed last week exploring the public mood as well as political opinions and perceptions.

The data in this briefing comes from an online survey of a representative sample of 1,000 Albertan adults from December 6 to 10, 2023.

Key Takeaways:
1. Only 25% of Albertans think the province is headed in the right direction.
2. The top issues are cost of living, healthcare, the economy, taxes, and housing.
3. Rachel Notley is viewed more positively than Danielle Smith.
4. NDP leads the UCP by 9 among decided voters. 25% of Albertans are undecided.
5. But the gap is only 4 points on preferred premier: Notley 52% vs. Smith 48%.
6. Understanding how “reluctant UCP” voters react over the next few months will be critical to anticipating the results of the next election.
Here’s my full read of the data and what it means about five months from a provincial election.


The overall mood of the public is fairly negative. 1 in 4 think the province is headed in the right direction while a slight majority (54%) think it’s off the track. This view is consistent across the province. Perhaps most important, more 2019 UCP voters think the province is off on the wrong track than think it’s headed in the right direction.


Albertans are most likely to rank the cost of living, improving health care and managing the economy as their top three issues right now. Housing affordability and keeping taxes low round out the top 5 with about 1 in 4 ranking it in their top three. Only 16% rate climate change as a top issue. For less than 10%, federal/provincial relations, stopping future mask or vaccine mandates or protecting the rights of gun owners are a top issue.

Comparing those who currently support the UCP with NDP supporters, we find both voter groups rank the cost of living as their top issue and are as equally as likely to feel housing affordability is a top issue. NDP supporters are 23 points more likely to rate healthcare as a top issue while UCP supporters are more likely to rate managing the economy (+13) and keeping taxes as low as possible (+22) as a top issue.
There’s a wide gap on other issues as well. NDP supporters are more likely to rate climate change, income inequality, and improving the education system as top issues while UCP voters are more likely to rate gun rights and mask or vaccine mandates as primary issues of concern.

When asked which political party they trust most to deal with each of these issues, we find some clear advantages for both major parties.

Albertans are more likely to trust the UCP to stop future mask/vaccine mandates, protect gun rights, keep taxes low, and manage the economy.

In contrast, they are more likely to trust the NDP on climate change, reducing the gap between the rich and the poor, and improving education and healthcare, on housing, and on federal/provincial relations.

However, it’s worth focusing most on the top 3 issues of the cost of living, healthcare, and managing the economy. Neither party has an advantage on the cost of living (NDP 36% vs. UCP 35%). The UCP has a 6-point advantage on the economy (39% to 33%) while the NDP has a larger 13-point advantage on improving the healthcare system (42% to 29%).

This sorting gives us insight into how framing the election may have an impact on the outcome. As neither party has an advantage on the top issue – the cost of living – that issue may be neutralized. However, an election focused on healthcare would benefit the NDP while one focused on the economy may benefit the UCP.


NDP Leader Rachel Notley has a net favourable rating of +10 with 43% having a positive view of her and 33% viewing her negatively. In contrast, Premier Danielle Smith’s net favourable rating is -12 with 30% positive and 42% negative. Both leaders are quite well known with about 1 in 10 Albertans saying they don’t know enough about both leaders to have an opinion. This suggests that views of these leaders are unlikely to change much – especially in the positive direction – given how well known they are. It’s hard to change people’s perceptions of you once they have an impression.

Regionally, Danielle Smith is viewed more negatively in Edmonton (-30) than in Calgary (-1) or other areas of Alberta (-9). Among past UCP voters, 50% have a positive view of her while 28% have a negative view (+22). Among those who voted for the Alberta Party in 2019, 37% have a positive view while 57% negative.

For Rachel Notley, she is viewed positively in Edmonton (+34), Calgary (+10) and negatively outside those two cities (-8). However, in all three regions, her net favourables are better than they are for Danielle Smith. Among past NDP voters, 89% have a positive view of Notley while 3% have a negative view – an very impressive +85 net rating. Among past UCP voters, her net rating is -39 with 20% having a positive view and 59% negative. Among those who voted for the Alberta Party in 2019, 58% have a positive view while 24% negative.

The survey also asked Albertans to rate the two leaders on several attributes. Overall, Rachel Notley’s image is more favourable than Danielle Smith. When asked whether the attribute describe each leader very well, pretty well, not that well, or not at all, among those with an opinion of both leaders (which is about the same across the board) Notley has a clear advantage on all except for standing up for what’s best for Alberta. There’s only a 2-point difference on that.

Even when we isolate only those living in battleground Calgary, Rachel Notley has an advantage on all, albeit to a lesser extent. Notley’s biggest advantage over Smith is on whether people think they are kind and compassionate (Notley ahead by 13), smart (Notley +8), and in politics for the right reason (Notley +7). For the other attributes, the gap between Notley and Smith are not as substantial.

Of note, the attribute that both leaders perform worst on is empathy – “understands what people like me are going through”. 45% think that terms applies well to Notley versus 42% for Danielle Smith.

To underscore the importance of leader images to vote choice, the charts below show the vote share for both Danielle Smith and Rachel Notley depending on how a respondent feels about the leader.
82% of those who like Danielle Smith say they will vote UCP. That drops to 40% among those with a neutral opinion and to 2% among those who dislike Smith. Of note, 26% of those with a neutral view of Smith and 24% of those with a negative view of her say they are undecided about how they’d vote if an election was today.

The same pattern exists for Rachel Notley. 78% of those who like the NDP leader say they would vote NDP. This drops to 28% among those neutral towards her and down to 1% who dislike her. Of note, 41% of those with a neutral view of Notley say they are undecided, significantly higher than the vote intention of those neutral towards Smith.

Danielle Smith’s initial weeks in office have been challenging from a public opinion perspective.

Case in point, when asked whether Danielle Smith will be a better or worse premier than Jason Kenney, 29% think she will be better, 38% think she will be worse while the rest are either unsure or think she will be about the same as Jason Kenney. But importantly, those thinking Danielle Smith will be much worse – the more intensely negative category – is more than double the percentage who think she will be much better (21% vs. 9%).

Moreover, among 2019 UCP voters, 39% think she will be better but 32% think she will be worse – an indication that rebuilding the 2019 voter coalition that easily elected Jason Kenney and the UCP won’t be easy.
In Calgary, opinion is just as split with 30% thinking Smith will be a better premier and 34% thinking she would be worse.

This evaluation could change as Smith continues to implement her agenda, but the early reaction is quite mixed.


To understand the general orientation of Albertans, we asked people which of two statements they feel Alberta most needs now:
• A government that focuses on getting the basics right like growing the economy, improving healthcare and education, and improving roads and transit.
• A government that shakes things up and pushes back against elites, Justin Trudeau, and others trying to change Alberta

Overall, 3 in 4 want a government that focuses on the basics – the economy, healthcare, education, and transportation. 1 in 4 want a government that shakes things up.

Among current NDP supporters, 94% want a government to focus on the basics. Among undecided voters it’s 71%. But among current UCP supporters, views are split. 53% want a government that focuses on the basics while 47% wants a government that shakes things up and pushes back on people like Justin Trudeau. This divide within the UCP voter universe underscores the challenges facing Premier Smith. Her government’s initial focus on the Sovereignty Act and picking fights with Ottawa may find favour with a large part of her natural party base, but it may be off-putting to those she needs to convince to vote UCP again.


We asked Albertans whether four ideas were good or bad.
• Sovereignty Act: 29% think it’s a good idea versus 41% who think it’s a bad idea. Those who think it’s a very bad idea outnumber those who think it’s a very good idea almost 3 to 1.
• Alberta Police Force: 27% think it’s a good idea while 49% think it’s a bad idea.
• Private delivery in Alberta’s healthcare system: 35% think it’s a good idea while 41% think it’s a bad idea.
• Preventing school boards from bringing in mask mandates: 30% think it’s a good idea while 51% think it’s a bad idea.


The UCP and NDP have equal-sized accessible voter pools. 57% of Albertans say they would consider voting NDP while 56% would consider voting UCP. The fact that the Alberta NDP has the same sized accessible voter pool as the UCP is noteworthy given Alberta’s political history.

If an election was held today, the Alberta NDP would likely win more votes. Among the entire electorate, 38% would vote NDP, 32% UCP, 3% for the Alberta Party and 2% for other parties. 25% say they are undecided.

Among decided voters, the NDP leads the UCP by 8 – 51% to 43%.

When we compare current vote intention with past vote, 86% of past NDP voters say they would vote NDP again. 6% would defect to the UCP, 2% to other parties, and 6% are undecided.

Among past UCP voters, only 60% say they would vote UCP again with 15% defecting to the NDP and 2% to other parties. Almost 1 in 4 past UCP voters say they are undecided.

Demographically, the NDP and UCP are statistically tied among those under 45 with younger Albertans be far more likely to be undecided than older Albertans. The NDP leads among those 45+. The NDP also leads among men and women.

Regionally, the NDP is well ahead in Edmonton, tied with the UCP in Calgary, and trail the UCP outside of the two major cities.


Despite a 9-point lead among decided voters, Albertans are split on who they would prefer to be Premier after the next election. 52% would prefer Rachel Notley while 48% would prefer Danielle Smith.

90% of past NDP supporters would prefer Notley while 10% would prefer Smith. Among past UCP supporters, 72% would prefer Smith while 28% would prefer Notley. In Edmonton, Notley leads by almost 30 points while in Calgary, it’s almost evenly divided 53% to 47%. In other areas of the province, Smith leads Notley by 12 (56% to 44%).


This snapshot of Alberta public opinion points to an advantage for the Alberta NDP and Rachel Notley in the early days of Danielle Smith’s time in office. The Alberta NDP has a lead in vote intentions, the more popular leader, and issues ownership on more of the top issues for voters.

Danielle Smith starts her mandate as Premier with a mixed-opinion environment. The UCP has an equal-sized voter pool as the NDP but the Premier’s image is more negative than Rachel Notley’s, a significant portion of 2019 UCP voters believe she will be worse as premier than Jason Kenney, and she trails Notley on some key issues.

But to really understand the dynamics heading into the next election, we need to step away from demographic or regional comparisons, and focus on segments of the electorate based on their past and intended behaviours and preferences.


There are four key voter segments within the electorate that will be key to the outcome of the next provincial election.

• Loyal UCP voters are those who voted UCP in 2019 and say they would vote UCP again today. They represent about 27% of eligible voters.
• Loyal NDP voters are those who voted NDP in 2019 and say they would vote NDP again today. They represent about 24% of eligible voters.
• Smaller party voters are those who voted for the Alberta Party, Liberal Party or another one of the smaller parties in the last election.
• Reluctant UCP voters are those who voted UCP in 2019 and today say they are undecided or would vote for another party, not the UCP. They represent about 16% of the electorate. In my opinion, understanding and tracking this group is critical to anticipating how the next election will turnout.
• The remaining electorates either didn’t vote in the last election (and likely won’t vote again unless they are newly eligible) or are the small segment who voted NDP but say they wouldn’t vote NDP again.

Let’s unpack how these four groups differ and put a spotlight on that reluctant UCP group.

First, let’s look at accessible voter pools. 100% of loyal UCP voters would consider voting UCP but only 10% would consider the NDP. In contrast, 100% of loyal NDP voters would consider voting NDP but only 11% would consider the UCP. There’s not much growth for the opposing party in these two groups so we can expect these two to remain constant in size and mobilizing them becomes more important.

But interestingly, among the reluctant UCP group, 68% are open to voting UCP and 68% are open to voting for the NDP. That’s a high level of overlap demonstrating the potential “swingness” (I know, not a word) of this segment.

Among the smaller party voters, 73% are open to voting NDP while 42% are open to voting UCP.

Second, when it comes to leader images, loyal UCP and NDP voters like their party’s leader and dislike the other major party leader. Among smaller party voters, Rachel Notley’s image is generally positive while Danielle Smith’s is negative.

But among the reluctant UCP group, Smith has a pretty negative net favourable rating (-59) while Notley has a net positive (+9). The Upshot: Notley is largely accepted by the group while Smith is disliked.

One challenge for Danielle Smith among the reluctant UCP group is that 2 in 3 think she will be a worse premier than Jason Kenney and only 7% think she will be better. This group’s perception is almost an exact replica of the loyal NDP group and a mirror opposite of the loyal UCP group. The Upshot: Smith needs to change this view among the reluctant group. One way to do that is to focus on issues they care about.

On issues, the priorities for reluctant UCP voters look more similar to loyal NDP voters than they do for loyal UCP voters. Healthcare is a top priority for 2 in 3 while only 46% of loyal UCP voters put healthcare as their top issue. But, reluctant UCP voters are more likely to rank keeping taxes low and managing the economy as a priority than loyal NDP voters. The Upshot: Framing the choice in the next election becomes critical. For the UCP to win over the reluctants, they should focus on the economy and taxes while NDP should make it all about healthcare.

And issue salience and ownership becomes important, depending on how the election is framed. For example, among reluctant UCP voters, the UCP has a 5-point advantage on who they would trust most to manage the economy. But they trail the NDP by almost 30 points on healthcare and 7 points on the cost of living. On the two most important issues for these voters today, the NDP has a clear advantage.

The Upshot: Many are unsure – which leaves the door open for this to change over time – but right now, this is advantage NDP.

Beyond specific issues, the perceived approach the government and government-in-waiting take in governing is important. Earlier I shared the results of a question asking Albertans to choose between two approaches. 1 in 4 overall wanted a government that would shake things up and takes on the elites and Justin Trudeau who are trying to change Alberta.

The results across these four groups are instructive, in my view, to explain why so many of the reluctant UCP voters have defected from the UCP. They aren’t interested in shaking things up – they just want a government that focuses on the basics – manage the economy, improve health and education, and improve transit and transportation.

But among the loyal UCP, views are more split. Almost equal numbers are divided between the two options. The Upshot: Smith and her government have done a good job engaging a big part of their base in the early days but they have alienated a key component of the 2019 coalition. That has exposed them and opened a door for the NDP to convert this group.

The survey also asked Albertans to rate several political leaders on a scale from 0 to 100 where 0 means they really dislike the person and 100 means they really like them.

The results provide a useful look the differences between the groups. Perhaps most important are these two findings. First, loyal UCP voters have a more positive impression of Donald Trump than they do of Rachel Notley or Justin Trudeau. In fact, it’s fair to say that the loyal UCP group hates Justin Trudeau.

But views are quite different among the reluctant UCP group. They really dislike Trump, are less angry with Trudeau and like Jason Kenney far more than they like Daniel Smith. In fact, Smith’s average rating is only slightly higher than that of Justin Trudeau in this group.

Then there’s a comparison about how these groups feel about some surrounding issues.

Reluctant UCP voters are closer to the loyal UCP group when it comes to views about the influence of oil companies in politics (they are pro-energy) and they share the view that the economic policies of the federal government seem to help other provinces at the expense of Alberta.

But they are in between the two loyal groups on climate change, social conservatism, and on whether vaccine mandates are wrong and go against people’s basic human rights. 59% of loyal UCP voters agree that mandates are wrong compared with only 27% of the reluctant group and 11% of loyal NDP voters.

Finally, you’re probably wondering who are these reluctant UCP voters?

They are more likely to be female than male (62% vs. 38%). They are evenly distributed across age groups. They are more concentrated in Calgary and in other communities across the province and less likely to be living in Edmonton. 88% of them voted Conservative in the last federal election.

Perhaps the best way to describe them is they are traditional PC voters. Think those who felt comfortable voting for Alison Redford, Jim Prentice, or Ed Stelmach. These are likely the same voters who also cast ballots for Nenshi or Gondek in Calgary.

They are pro-growth, pro-energy in their outlook, but are looking for sensible, responsible government. They don’t want drama, they want a policy focus on things that matter to them – a strong economy, good public services, and stability.

This group is leaning NDP right now because they don’t think Danielle Smith and her government are offering that.

Take their views on the Sovereignty Act. Only 10% think it’s a good idea while 65% think it’s a bad idea – including 42% who think it’s a very bad idea.


If the next election will be won or loss in Calgary and some of the smaller cities like Lethbridge and Red Deer, then how this reluctant UCP votes (if they vote at all), will likely be the determining factor in the election. They represent about 15% of voters in Calgary and about 20% in the smaller cities across the province.

Alberta is now a two-party province. The core UCP and NDP vote pools are similar in size. The swing vote, a group of mostly female, progressively conservative voters, will decide the outcome of the next provincial election. If the UCP and Danielle Smith think they will win simply by motivating their core base to vote with policy ideas that repel far more voters than they attract, Alberta may wake up the day after the election with another NDP government.


The survey was conducted with 1,000 Alberta adults from December 6 to 10, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 3.1%, 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Alberta’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.

Abacus Data follows the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that can be found here:


David Coletto is CEO and a founding partner of Abacus Data a full-service market research and strategy firm based in Ottawa and Toronto. With over a decade and a half of experience in the industry, David and his partners founded Abacus 12 years ago and since then David has become one of Canada’s most respected social researchers regularly commenting on politics, the labour market, and consumer behaviour.

He earned a PhD in Political Science from the University of Calgary in 2010 is an adjunct professor at Carleton University. He is the host and producer of inFocus with David Coletto a podcast that explores the intersection of public opinion, politics, public policy, and consumer behaviour.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

Six in ten Canadians believe an electric vehicle will ultimately cost them less than a gas car

Most Canadians believe that an electric vehicle will end up costing them less, despite a higher upfront cost, than a gas vehicle. Almost six in ten Canadians believe that an electric vehicle will end up being cheaper for them over a gas vehicle, while 41% think gas will end up being cheaper.

At the same time, 72% of Canadians believe that it is certain, very likely, or likely that a majority of consumer vehicles sold around the world will be electric. 28% think it is unlikely to happen.

A majority in every region of the country and across the political spectrum believe that it is likely that most vehicles sold around the world will be electric vehicles.

When asked whether they are more likely to purchase an electric or gas vehicle, 29% say they are likely or certain to choose an electric vehicle, while another 29% say they are inclined to buy electric. In contrast, 17% say they are inclined to buy a gas or diesel vehicle, while 25% say they are very likely or certain to buy a gas vehicle for their next car.

Younger Canadians (those under 45) and those in B.C., Ontario, and Quebec are more likely to say they will purchase an electric vehicle than those in other regions/provinces or in older age groups. 72% of Liberal supporters, 64% of NDP supporters, and 74% of Green Party supporters are inclined to buy an EV, while 42% of Conservative Party supporters say they will.

Canadian consumers who say they are very likely or certain to buy gas or diesel has held consistent over time (ranging from 23% to 25%), while those certain or very likely to buy an EV are up slightly from January 2022, but still down from 2021.


According to David Coletto, Chief Executive Officer of Abacus Data: “While interest in electric vehicles hasn’t increased substantially, most Canadians continue to believe that EVs will be the majority of consumer vehicles sold around the world and most are inclined to purchase one as their next vehicle because consumers believe they will save them money in the long run, even if the upfront cost remains higher than a gas vehicle.”

According to Trevor Melanson, Communications Director of Clean Energy Canada: “It’s encouraging to see that a majority of Canadians understand the benefits of switching to electric, even though most haven’t done so yet. Research conducted by Clean Energy Canada has shown that driving an EV—while generally pricier upfront—will ultimately cost thousands of dollars less than driving an equivalent gas car over eight years of ownership.”


The survey was conducted with 1,500 Canadian adults from November 25 to December 1, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.5%, 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

The survey was paid for by Clean Energy Canada.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

Canadians see a Clean Energy System as More Affordable and More Secure than a Fossil Fuel Energy System

Eight in ten think it’s important for Canada to invest in clean energy opportunities in response to the American Inflation Reduction Act investments in climate action.

In the latest round of survey work by Clean Energy Canada and Abacus Data, Canadians believe a clean energy system that includes hydro, wind, solar power and electric vehicles would be both more affordable and more secure than a fossil fuel energy system.

Key findings include:

• Two-thirds think a clean energy system would be more affordable than a fossil fuel energy system. This view is shared by a majority in every region or province, except for Alberta. Over seven in ten Liberal, NDP, and Green Party supporters feel this way, as do 4 in 10 Conservative Party supporters.

• Two-thirds also think a clean energy system would be more secure – that is, a system where prices and supply are less influenced by goal markets. This view is shared by a majority in every region or province, including in Alberta. Over three in four Liberal, NDP, and Green Party supporters feel this way, as do half of Conservative Party supporters.

• Just under half of Canadians are aware of the Inflation Reduction Act passed by the U.S. government which invests $370 billion dollars into climate action to spur investment in clean energy and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

• When asked whether it is important or not for Canada to also invest in clean-energy-related economic opportunities, 83% say it is either very or somewhat important. Large majorities in every region of the country and across the political spectrum share this view.


According to David Coletto, Chief Executive Officer of Abacus Data: “Perceptions about the affordability and security of clean energy are becoming clearer as geopolitical conflict and rising inflation impact Canadians directly. A clear majority believe that a clean energy system will be both more affordable and more secure than one based on fossil fuels.”

According to Trevor Melanson, Communications Director of Clean Energy Canada: “Increasingly, Canadians see that the transition to clean energy is not only an economic opportunity—but an opportunity to lower their energy bills. Canadians also recognize clean energy as more secure. This view reflects reality, as clean energy electricity rates are less beholden to global markets.”


The survey was conducted with 1,500 Canadian adults from January 20 to 25th, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.53%, 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

The survey was paid for by Clean Energy Canada.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

Changes at Abacus Data and spark*advocacy

After many enjoyable and successful years collaborating on the growth of Abacus Data, Bruce Anderson and David Coletto are pleased to announce some changes.

Bruce Anderson will leave his role as Chairman at the end of 2022 and launch a new market research and intelligence division of spark*advocacy, called spark*insights. David Coletto, currently Abacus Data’s Chief Executive Officer, will take on the role of Abacus Chairman starting January 1, 2023.

“When we started our work together almost 10 years ago, the intent was to spend a couple of years on that collaboration. We had so much fun and success, it never seemed like the right time to bring it to a close. David is a talented and experienced research professional and a friend. I will continue to cheer him and the whole team on,” said Anderson.

“Bruce has helped Abacus Data become one of Canada’s premier insights firms, serving as a mentor and partner. Since we started working together, Abacus has grown and developed deep relationships with some of Canada’s leading companies, unions, and associations. We’ve built a stellar team of professionals and now have offices in both Toronto and Ottawa,” said Coletto. “Our current and future clients can expect the quality, attention to detail, and responsiveness that has helped differentiate our team in the marketplace.”

spark*insights will provide consulting, research and data-based insights into communications and advocacy, employing a wide range of data inputs, including data from the hundreds of advocacy and reputation campaigns spark* has developed and managed. Anderson will continue to provide clients with reputation and issue-based polling, leveraging Abacus Data’s research team.

Bruce Anderson is one of the founding partners of spark*advocacy, Canada’s most successful agency exclusively working in the field of public affairs communications, creative, and audience targeting. spark* works closely with associations, NGOs, charities, and corporations to support their reputation, advocacy, activation and ESG activities. spark*advocacy is owned by Anderson, Perry Tsergas (President & Chief Executive Officer) and Adrian Jean (Chief Creative Officer).

“Over the last few years, the pull to put more of my time into spark*advocacy (along with the pull of grandkids, Scotland, and oil painting) has been strong,” said Anderson. “I’m excited about our groundbreaking measurement around advocacy.”

David Coletto has been CEO of Abacus Data since he and his partners founded the firm in 2010. David is regularly asked to comment on politics, public policy, consumer behaviour, and the labour market by news organizations. He is an adjunct professor at Clayton H. Riddell Graduate Program in Political Management at Carleton University and serves on the boards of Ottawa Riverkeeper and the Ottawa Board of Trade.

“For the past 12 years, Abacus Data has been delivering top-flight research and insights consulting services to some of North America’s leading brands, associations, and companies,” said Coletto.

“We help leaders make better decisions and use research and data to help organizations drive change by fully understanding their audiences. Our experienced, diverse, and talented team is ready to continue the remarkable trajectory the company has taken since we launched in 2010.”

For more information, please contact:

David Coletto

Bruce Anderson


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.