Canadians’ views on Bill C-18, the Online News Act

Google Canada commissioned Abacus Data to design and execute a national public opinion survey exploring perceptions and views about Bill C-18, the Online News Act and to gauge public reaction to Google’s concerns about the Bill.

The survey was conducted with 2,207 Canadian adults from August 19 to 26, 2022.

In designing this study, we were guided by three core questions:

1. To what extent has the Canadian public been following news or information about Bill C-18 and are familiar with it?

2. If awareness of Bill C-18 is limited, what values and outcomes are important to Canadians when it comes to regulating the internet and online news?

3. How do Canadians react to the specific concerns Google has raised about Bill C-18 and would they want Parliament to amend the legislation in response?


1. The public is not following news or information about Bill C-18 closely and their perceptions about the state of the news and journalism sector in Canada are quite different from those who advocate for Bill C-18. But a lack of attention is not the same as indifference.

2. Canadians want balance when it comes to the impacts of Bill C-18. They want to see local news protected but they also don’t want search engines they rely on to work or perform differently than they do now.

For example, large majorities believe it is important that the legislation ensures eligible news outlets follow journalistic standards and ethics, that local news is protected and given the resources to continue to operate but they also want search engines like Google Search to continue to work and perform the way they do now. Most also don’t want to see misinformation treated as news.

3. When exposed to Google’s concerns about Bill C-18 later in the survey, a clear majority share those concerns and want Parliament to amend the bill to address them.


Familiarity with Bill C-18, the Online News Act

When it comes to Bill C-18 specifically, 2 in 3 Canadians say they have heard about the bill but only 33% say they are either very or somewhat familiar with it. In fact, only 8% of Canadians report being very familiar with Bill C-18.

Familiarity with Bill C-18 is somewhat higher among younger Canadians (those under 45) and among men, but we find little variation in familiarity across different regions of the country.

What Matters to Canadians

Canadians were asked how important several outcomes are to them personally when it comes to Bill C-18, the Online News Act. Most Canadians felt all the outcomes shared were at least pretty important but more Canadians felt it is important that Bill C-18:

– Ensures eligible news outlets follow journalistic standards and ethics (75%).
– Local news is protected and given the resources to continue to operate (75%).
– Search engines like Google Search continue to work and perform the way they do now (73%).
– Not treat misinformation as news (70%).

The desire for a balanced approach that both supports local news, protects the integrity of Google Search, and does not amplify misinformation is shared by a wide majority of Canadians across the political spectrum.

Google, News, and Canadian Opinion

As context, it’s important to note that according to our survey, 72% of Canadian adults report using Google Search at least once a day with 44% saying they use Google Search “multiple times a day” in the survey. Google is also an important source to find and access news. 64% say they use Google to find and access news at least a few times a week with 41% using it daily.

At the same time, less than 1 in 4 Canadians believe that the Canadian news industry is financially weak and unsustainable. In fact, a majority (55%) describe it as either “financially strong and sustainable” or “financially ok and mostly sustainable”.

Canadians were also asked their views on several aspects of Bill C-18, especially around compensating news organizations for content that appears on social media platforms or in search results. Here’s what we found:

Only 21% of Canadians believe that a social media platform should be required to pay the news organization a fee when someone shares an article on a Canadian news website on their social media account.

Only 30% of Canadians believe that Google should have to pay a fee to news organizations if someone clicked on a link to a news website that showed up in a search result.

And 79% of Canadians said they would definitely not (58%) or probably not (21%) pay a small fee to access a news article that appeared in a Google search result.

These results underscore the disconnect between the intent of Bill C-18 and the preferences of Canadians. Most people would not pay for access to the content and few think platforms should have to pay either.

Reactions to Google’s Concerns about Bill C-18

In the final section of the survey, Canadians were shown concerns raised by Google about Bill C-18 and asked to what extent those concerns worry them about C-18.

For example:

– 70% are worried when they find out that “the bill gives the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) unprecedented, sweeping new powers to regulate every aspect of the Canadian news industry even though these decisions are far outside of its expertise as a broadcast regulator.”

– 69% are worried when they find out “the proposed law uses an extremely broad definition for “eligible news businesses” and doesn’t require eligible news organizations to follow basic journalistic standards.”

– 69% are worried when they find out Online News Act would require companies like Google to pay news businesses simply so that they can help you find what you’re looking for. This is what’s known as a “link tax” and it fundamentally breaks the way search (and the internet) have always worked. Requiring payment for links risks limiting Canadians’ access to the information they depend on.

– 65% are worried when they find out “a section of the bill prohibits companies like Google from using ranking, or showing you the content most relevant to your search, first. It also could allow blogs, foreign state-owned media, or any other “eligible news business” to inflate their ranking in your search results, preventing Google from presenting you with the most reliable and useful content, making Search (and the internet) less useful and less safe.”

– 65% are worried when they find out “the Online News Act would effectively subsidize any outlet that “explains current issues or events of public interest”. This means that any opinion or commentary blog with two or more people could be eligible to receive funds.”

– 60% are worried when they find out “Foreign, state-owned outlets could be eligible, even if they are known sources of misinformation and propaganda, under the Act.”

More striking, is that these concerns are shared by people from across the political spectrum and among those who said earlier in the survey that they are familiar with the legislation.

Should Parliament Amend C-18?

After being informed of Google’s concerns with Bill C-18, Canadians were asked whether the federal government and Parliament should work to amend the legislation to address these concerns or whether Google’s concerns are not that serious, and the legislation should pass as is.

59% felt the bill should be amended while only 15% felt it should be passed as it is. Another 27% were unsure.

A majority of Liberal (62%), Conservative (63%), NDP (63%) and BQ (54%) supporters felt the bill should be amended. In contrast, 21% of Liberal supporters, 15% of Conservatives, 11% of NDP supporters, and 18% of BQ supporters felt the law should pass as it is.

Moreover, when Canadians are asked who they tend to believe more when it comes to the impacts of Bill C-18 on the user experience using Google Search and other Google products, 36% say they trust Google more, 24% say they trust the federal government more, while 40% say they are unsure who to trust more.

Even among Liberal supporters, 34% said they trust Google more while 33% sided with the federal government.


An objective of this study was to understand what would happen if more Canadians became aware and familiar with Bill C-18, the Online News Act and became aware of Google’s concerns with the Bill.

The results clearly indicate that while few Canadians are paying close attention to what is happening with the Online News Act, the issues with Bill C-18 raised by Google resonate with Canadians and cause them to want legislators to amend the bill to address concerns they have with it – including Liberal supporters and those most familiar with the legislation.

Most Canadians use Google Search daily. It is an essential part of their life. They depend on Google to solve their problems, find information, and access news. But there is little appetite to pay to access that content – whether personally or by the platforms.

If Bill C-18 fundamentally changes the user experience, if it helps to spread misinformation or supports organizations that don’t follow core journalistic standards, Canadians will be dissatisfied and support for the legislation will quickly fall.

Canadians want policymakers and technology companies to work together to ensure that local news is strong but not at the expense of the user experience.


The survey was conducted with 2,207 Canadian adults from August 19 to 26, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.1% 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Google Canada.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

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COVID Anxiety Low, Vaccine Hesitancy up a Notch


Just 14% are “extremely worried” or “worried a lot” about Covid19. Just 19% say their level of concern has increased in recent days. Both numbers are among the lowest we’ve recorded.


A total of 40% say they are sure they had Covid (29%) or probably (11%) had Covid.  The proportion of Canadians who believe they were infected did not rise through August and September.  Two out of three who believe they were infected say that their symptoms were “uncomfortable but not bad” or had hardly any symptoms, which is also not changing.


Just 11% anticipate that there will be a lot of severe illness and hospitalizations from Covid this fall.  The majority expect a lot of cases, but mild symptoms (60%) or that “fewer and fewer will get Covid and eventually it will disappear” (29%).  This is the highest number we have seen for the “disappear’ expectation, up three points from last month.


Most (53%) want government is to be prepared to introduce measures if things worsen, “but not to push too hard”. About a quarter (28%) say under no circumstances should government put in mask, vaccine or other rules.  One in five (20%) say government should take all possible measures to reduce the spread of the disease. These numbers are relatively stable.


While 88% of the adults surveyed have had some vaccination against Covid, only 39% are certain that they will take a booster dose if that was recommended this fall and another 17% say they probably will.  Combined certain and likely are down 4 points from last month.

Outright refusal stands at 17% considerably higher than the refusal rate for earlier doses.  Older people and those on the left are far more likely to be ready to take a booster, compared to other people.   Those who had Covid are less likely to be ready to get the next dose, compared to those who haven’t been sick with the virus.


While some experts foresee a renewed health impact of the virus, public opinion is not really budging at the moment – most people seem to feel that infections might rise, but the gravity of the situation will not.  This is continuing to depress the proportion of the population that is ready to take a booster, especially among younger people.  Those who didn’t get Covid may attribute their good fortune to the vaccines, while those who got Covid and were vaccinated may feel that the amount of protection is limited and if their symptoms were mild, another booster may not be necessary.


The survey was conducted with 1,500 Canadian adults from September 26th to October 3, 2022.  A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.2%, 19 times out of 20.   This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

Public Stress About Inflation Is High, but Not Rising Much

In July, and then again last week, we measured public sentiment about the economy and inflation.  Here’s what we found.


Today, 9% say the economic conditions for them personally are relatively good, while 53% say things “could be better but are not really difficult.” Just over a third (38%) say things are really difficult for them at the moment.

The number of people who say things are “really difficult“ is exactly the same as in July.  There has been a five-point increase in the number who said things for them “could be better but were not really difficult” and a corresponding drop in the number who feel things are relatively good.


When asked about the impact inflation is having on them, 44% say it has caused them to consider making difficult choices to make ends meet.  That number was 46% in July.

A bare majority – 51% – say “I notice it, but it hasn’t really been a challenge to live my life as I normally do.”  That was at 48% in July. One in 20 (5%) say “I don’t really notice it”.  That number was 6% in July.  Women and those with household incomes under $50,000 show substantially higher negative impacts of inflation.


When asked how Canada is faring compared to our major competitor countries, one in four (25%) think inflation is worse here (30% in July), while 59% say things are about the same, and 16% say things are worse in other places.


Half of those polled (52%) believe decisions made by the federal government in the last couple of years have made inflation worse than it would otherwise be, while 41% say those decisions had not really affected inflation and 7% think Ottawa’s moves have lessened inflation.  This represents a five-point drop from July in the number who think Ottawa has made things worse.


Just over half (53%) believe “it will take some time to work itself out but eventually inflation will come down to more normal levels” while 48% think “it is a really serious problem that will continue to worsen with no end in sight”.   In July, the split was virtually identical, at 51%-48%.


According to Bruce Anderson: “Interest rates have been rising, and inflation has been stubbornly high in the 7% range.  Inflation is making life difficult for millions of Canadians and is the most prominent public concern today.  At the same time, continued high inflation has not increased the number of people who indicate they are severely affected, and neither have additional rises in interest rates, at least to this point.  This may be interpreted as an indication that consumer demand will remain a driving force of inflation in the near term, even though many are already having trouble making ends meet.  If there is one piece of data that is encouraging for governments in Canada it lies in the fact that most people think inflation is at least as bad in our competitor countries.”


The survey was conducted with 1,500 adult Canadians, between September 28 and October 1. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.6%, 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

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The Great Promotion? How the pandemic changed the landscape of working Canadians

Just last week our work was cited in an article about ‘The Great Resignation’ in Canada. Numbers from a recent labour market survey suggest this wasn’t a significant phenomenon in Canada.

Instead, StatsCan data shows a Great Resignation is the bigger of our worries. (All the more reason to understand the younger folks who will be sticking around for some time and filling the gaps. But more on that later).

Beyond these big markers, we wanted to understand if there were any other shifts in the labour market. Even though people weren’t quitting, were they shifting around? And how many of us have been taking on additional work or education on the side? A few notable findings are below.

#1 One in five working Canadians transitioned roles during the pandemic.

Canadians may not have resigned en masse like our neighbours to the South, but while the pandemic was raging on, many working Canadians saw a transition in their job. Whether it be switching departments, a redefined title, or a promotion, 17% of employed Canadians say they’ve had at least one kind of transition to their role since March 2022. Among those 18-29, this number jumps to 31%.

#2 One in ten working Canadians upskilled or retrained during the pandemic.

10% of employed Canadians enrolled in formal/informal education/training while in the pandemic, either for their current industry or with the intention to transition. So, while Canadians were not engaged in a large-scale resignation, many had intentions to make some sort of shift.

This number is driven largely by younger employees, but interestingly not the youngest. Those 30-44 were most likely to have enrolled in some sort of education and training during the pandemic.

Another interesting trend: those in a private sector union are twice as likely as those in a public sector union (or no union at all) to have upskilled/retrained (18% vs. 7%).

#3 One in ten Canadians under 45 started a business during the pandemic.

According to StatsCan, self-employment has remained relatively stable throughout the pandemic. However, that doesn’t mean that we aren’t trying our hand at being CEO. Just under one in ten young Canadians (those under 45) had a go at starting a business during the pandemic.

THE UPSHOT According to Oksana Kishchuk:

Canada had its own fair share of labour market changes since the pandemic and while there was no Great Resignation our careers and ambitions haven’t been on pause for the last two years. But if there was no great resignation, what are some of the post-pandemic takeaways? The big takeaway is about young employees and their careers.

For those still deep in their working years, the pandemic was a time to move up, and refine skills, especially young people who are climbing the ladder. During the last two years young employees put their all into their job and career (likely also why we see higher instances of burnout).

Whether it be a role transition, enrolling in education to refine their skills, or taking a shot at starting a new business, young people used their time during the pandemic to advance their career. As more and more older employees turn to retirement these ambitious generations can help fill those gaps, but will require an acute understanding of the needs and desires of these younger generations.

For more insights on tourism and COVID-19, please reach out to Oksana, Director of Strategy & Insights at:


This survey was conducted with 1,500 Canadian adults from August 16th to 19th. The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.5%, 19 times out of 20.

The survey was conducted using a random sample of panelists invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The data was weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. This poll was conducted and paid for by Abacus Data.

Abacus Data follows the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that can be found here:


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

COVID Worries Drop to New Low


Just 13% are “extremely worried” or “worried a lot” about Covid19. This is the lowest level we have seen since the beginning of the pandemic. Just 16% say their level of concern has increased in recent days, also the lowest number we’ve recorded.


A total of 29% say they are sure they had Covid and another 10% believe they probably did. At the beginning of July those numbers were 25% and 11%, meaning only a 3 point climb through the summer.


Two out of three who believe they were infected say that their symptoms were uncomfortable but not bad or had hardly any symptoms.


Just 10% anticipate that there will be a lot of severe illness and hospitalizations from Covid this fall. Anxiety levels are also lower on this indicator compared to earlier this summer.


Most want government is to be prepared to introduce measures if things worsen, “but don’t push too hard”. A quarter (27%) say that under no circumstances should government put in mask, vaccine or other rules. Only 19% say government should take all possible measures to reduce the spread of the disease.


While 88% of the adults surveyed have had some vaccination against Covid, only 40% are certain that they will take a booster dose if that was recommended this fall. Outright refusal stands at 17% considerably higher than the refusal rate for earlier doses. Refusal and hesitancy levels are higher among younger people, especially women, and those on the right of the spectrum. Interestingly, those who believe they had Covid are not more likely than those who think they haven’t had it, to be ready to get the next dose.


“While some of the political debate about Covid and vaccinations is highly polarized, Canadian public opinion is not really as polarized as it might seem. Most people sense that the risks are down and want governments to be vigilant but generally move in the direction of a normalization of life. There is a small minority of people, unvaxxed and farthest right on the spectrum, who are highly energized against vaccination and presumably other measures as well, but the split in opinion is more like 90%-!0% than 50-50, just to put this in context.

The public may or may not be right in assessing a lower level of risk and less need for measures but this tendency in opinion has less to do with outrage towards government and doubts about vaccine efficacy or safety and more to do with feeling that the amount of risk is known and acceptable as things now stand.”


The survey was conducted with 1,900 Canadian adults from September 11 to 14, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.2% 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

Quebec is Moving Away from the Rest of the Country but Most Don’t Believe it is a Path to Separation

On October 3, Québec will select a new provincial government. This makes it an ideal time to ask Canadians about the election but also Quebec’s role in the federation.  The survey conducted with Boudeweel Public Affairs shows some interesting dynamics including the belief that Quebec is moving away from the rest of Canada.

The Provincial Election

Although 38% of those living outside of Quebec don’t care about the outcome of the election, many are at least somewhat interested (39%). Interest is highest in Ontario (42%) and lowest in the Prairies (28%). The campaign has, however, captured the interest of those in Quebec.

While there is significant interest in the election, those outside of Quebec are very unsure about what the re-election of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) led by François Legault would mean. Setting aside those who don’t know, views of the impact are almost equally balanced between positive assessments and negative ones.

In Quebec, the re-election of the CAQ is largely seen as a good thing for Quebec, the rest of Canada and for national unity. There are, of course, many detractors in Quebec and a significant group who are not sure what the election will mean for the rest of Canada or national unity.

Quebec and Canada

Almost half of Canadians (47%) and 60% of those who have an opinion on the matter think Quebec is moving further away from the rest of Canada. Notably, this is a view that is shared both within and outside of Quebec. People in Quebec feel it as well. Relatively few think Quebec is getting closer.

Outside of Quebec, many more people think Quebec is headed off on the wrong track (30%) than the right direction (18%). Again, many are not sure. Importantly, those who think Quebec is moving off on the wrong track are much more likely to say that Quebec is moving farther away from the rest of Canada.

Canadians outside of Quebec have negative perceptions of the province on a few key issues. Most notably, those outside of Quebec think the province is doing a worse job than the rest of the country on language rights (41% said worse), religious rights and freedoms (37% said worse) and Integrating immigrants into the province (35% said worse).

When asked about the likelihood that Québec will separate from Canada within the next 10 years, the vast majority of Canadians discount the possibility. Only 4% of those from outside Québec said separation definitely will happen (4%) or is likely to happen (9%). Those in Quebec also discount the possibility.


According to David Boudeweel-Lefebvre, CEO of Boudeweel Public Affairs: “Our survey findings reveal that most Canadians feel Québec is moving farther away from the rest of the country at this moment, but they don’t seem concerned that the province will actually separate. The sense of moving away is being driven by negative perceptions of how the province is dealing with key rights and identity issues.”

According to David Coletto, CEO of Abacus Data: “Many Canadians outside of Quebec are not paying much attention to what is happening in the province but those who are are more likely than not to see the province moving away from the rest of the country. The lack of accompanying worry that Quebec might leave as a result is either naïve, indifference or a tacit understanding that federalism can adapt to the cultural needs of provinces. It will be important to see how this plays out in Quebec and other provinces in the next few years.”

About David Boudeweel-Lefebvre and Boudeweel Public Affairs

David Boudeweel-Lefebvre has worked 20+ years in politics and government affairs. He founded Boudeweel Public Affairs in 2020 to help English-speaking business clients successfully navigate French-speaking Quebec. A more complete bio detailing David’s career can be provided upon request.

To learn more about Boudeweel Public Affairs please visit:


The survey was conducted with 1,901 Canadian adults from September 9 to 14, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.2% 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.

Abacus Data follows the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that can be found here:


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

Reaching Gender Parity in Politics: We Still Have Room to Grow

In late August 2022 Informed Opinions commissioned a survey to understand how Canadians perceive women’s political representation including how we rank relative to other countries, the level of importance of this issue and support for solutions.  

The survey was conducted with n=2,000 general population individuals in Canada. 

Here’s what we found:

When it comes to gender parity, Canadians are (understandably) unhappy when they learn of how Canada compares to other countries. In our survey, we asked Canadians to rank where Canada placed compared to other countries, with 1st being the highest proportion of women, and 187th as the lowest. Upon being informed Canada ranks 59th place, two-thirds of Canadians had an adverse reaction- expressing feelings of concern, disappointment, surprise or anger. (It’s also worth noting that we’ve dropped from 27th place 20 years ago.)

A majority of Canadians believe we need to eliminate the obstacles to make the balance of power possible. Three-quarters of Canadians (77%) say women who run for political office face greater criticism than their male counterparts. Whether this be heckling and personal attacks once entering the public eye, or critical remarks about their level of expertise and capabilities, Canadians recognize that politics is a less than welcome space for women.

For the majority of Canadians, achieving gender parity is worth the work it will take us to get there. Canadians see economic, societal and democratic benefits to achieving gender parity. Between 84-86% of Canadians believe having as many women as men in politics is good for our communities, our economy, and ensures elected officials truly represent their constituents.

So, who needs to do the work to get us there? Canadians place much of the responsibility on political parties and government. When asked who is most responsible for increasing women’s presence among elected officials, a third (35%) say it’s up to political parties to actively recruit a set of candidates that represent the diversity of citizens, and 28% say it’s up to the government to create policies to ensure our parliament and legislatures represent the diversity of citizens.

Far fewer say it is the responsibility of voters or women themselves.


According to Oksana Kishchuk: Some indicators may suggest we are making progress in gender parity but our global ranking has slipped and Canadians are noticing. Canadians agree the path to becoming an elected official looks different for women, and feel there are many reasons why this should change. They understand that ensuring women hold a balance of power delivers economic, societal, and democratic benefits.

In light of both of these advantages and our international ranking Canadians are supportive of the work it will take to get there.


The survey was conducted with 2,000 Canadians from August 24 to 30, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.19%, 19 times out of 20. 

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding. This poll was conducted by Abacus Data and paid for by Informed Opinions.

Abacus Data follows the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that can be found here:


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

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After One Week: The Conservatives lead by 5 over the Liberals

We just completed a national survey of 1,990 Canadian adults from September 11 to 14, 2022.


If an election were held today, 35% would vote for the Conservative Party, 30% for the Liberal Party, 17% for the NDP and 9% for the BQ. All the interviews for this wave of results were completed after the results of the Conservative leadership race were announced last Saturday evening. This is the third survey in four we have completed in which the Conservatives have a 5-point lead over the Liberals.

The results indicate a three way race in BC with the Conservatives ahead, a slight lead for the Conservatives in Ontario, and the Liberals falling behind BQ in Quebec. The Liberals have a wide lead in Atlantic Canada and the Conservatives have a huge advantage in the Prairies.


Today, 37% are satisfied, and 49% are dissatisfied with the performance of the federal government, a one-point or statistically insignificant change from last wave.


Public feelings about Prime Minister Trudeau show no further decline and small gains over the last few waves. The shift is small enough to be cautious not to over-interpret. The Prime Minister’s negatives stand at 48% – down from a peak of 51% a few weeks ago.


For the last couple of years, Jagmeet Singh has been the most popular of the federal leaders, at one time his net rating was +21 (46% positive/25% negative). Since then, his positives have slid and his negatives have risen. This latest result shows no further deterioration and mild improvement.


There’s been a big jump in the number of people who have an opinion about Pierre Poilievre, and the results are mixed for the Conservative leader. His negatives rose by 7 points and his positives rose by 7 points as well. The plurality (37%) remain on the fence about Mr. Poilievre.

Regionally, Mr. Poilievre’s positives are highest in Alberta (43%) and lowest in Quebec (21%). His negatives are also highest in Quebec (47%) and lowest in Alberta and Atlantic Canada.

Among current party supporters, Mr. Poilevre has a net +68 among his own party supporters and a +12 among People’s Party supporters. But among Liberal, NDP, Green, and BQ supporters, a majority have a negative view with very few having a positive impression. His net favourables among Liberal supporters is -40, -44 among NDP supporters, -52 among Green supporters, and -33 among BQ supporters.


According to Bruce Anderson: “The election of Pierre Poilievre to lead the Conservatives was neither the boost of enthusiasm the Conservative Party might have hoped for nor was it good news for their rivals in the Liberal Party. The interesting thing to watch is whether the ballot question over the next year or two will be about Mr. Trudeau, or about Mr. Poilievre. The Conservatives will see good news in the rise in positive feelings towards their new leader but some anxiety in a same-sized rise in negative opinion, and particularly negative opinions in the province of Quebec. The handling of his relationship with Jean Charest, Alain Rayes, and others in the Quebec caucus represents a weak start in a province where Mr. Poilievre must hope to win more ridings, not lose seats.”

According to David Coletto: “Mr. Poilievre and the Conservatives can take solace in that he starts his time as Conservative leader with a solid national lead. But his initial introduction to Canadians has been quite mixed. Most striking is the level of polarization in views towards Mr. Poilievre already. The data suggests he’s already the most polarizing leader at the federal level – more so than even Mr. Trudeau. Mr. Poilievre is well-liked among Conservatives and some People’s Party supporters but finds few admirers in among other party supporters. This will make expanding the Conservative Party’s appeal challenging and something to watch over the next few weeks.


The survey was conducted with 1,990 Canadian adults from September 11 to 14, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.2% 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.

Abacus Data follows the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that can be found here:


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

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COVID Worries Remain Low Heading Into Fall


Just 16% say they are extremely worried or worried a lot about Covid-19. This has been relatively consistent through July and August, and the lowest levels we have seen since the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020.  Just 18% say their level of concern has increased in recent days, the lowest number since the pandemic began.


A total of 27% say they are sure they had Covid and another 10% believe they probably did.  After climbing in the period between February and July, these numbers have remained stable throughout the summer months.


Three out of four people who believe they were infected with Covid-19 say their symptoms were either uncomfortable but not bad, or that they had hardly any symptoms.  Just under a third (31%) described their symptoms as bad (24%) or very bad (7%).


Most (66%) expect there will be lots of Covid infections, but symptoms will be generally mild in the coming months.  Just 10% anticipate that there will be a lot of severe illness and hospitalizations.  24% believe that fewer and fewer will be ill and eventually, Covid will disappear.


As fears of Covid have eased, more people believe the right approach for government is to be prepared to introduce measures if things get worse, “but don’t push too hard”. A quarter (25%) say that under no circumstances should government put in mask, vaccine or other rules/mandates.  Only 22% say the government should take all possible measures to reduce the spread of the disease, even if it means going back to the way things were earlier in the pandemic.


While roughly 90% of the adults surveyed have had some vaccination against Covid, only 38% are certain that they would take a booster dose if that’s what is recommended this fall. Another 19% say they would probably take a shot. Outright refusal stands at 18%.


Among parents with children in the 12-17 age range, 17% are hesitant to get their kids vaccinated and 14% say they won’t.  The levels of hesitancy rise among parents of younger children.  Among those with children under 5, a third are hesitant and a third say they won’t take the step to get their child vaccinated.


According to Bruce Anderson and David Coletto: “This summer has left people feeling more confident that the worst of Covid is behind us and looking forward to a future where Covid is a smaller preoccupation and a more livable, manageable risk.  These feelings may not map well to the scientific or medical data, but they nonetheless create political conditions that are different from those a year ago.  Canadians want governments to react with appropriate measures and caution, but to be restrained – an abundance of caution made more sense to people before many experienced Covid and the value of vaccinations firsthand. Today, they feel the risk is more known and manageable.  Notwithstanding the massive demand for the vaccine, its uptake, and the belief that vaccines helped limit severe illness and death, a significant number of people are uncertain about whether they will take a booster dose if one is recommended this fall.”


The survey was conducted with 1,500 Canadian adults from August 26 to 30, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.6% 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.

Deadlocked: Liberals and Conservatives head to Fall session one point apart

We just completed a national survey of 1,500 Canadian adults from August 26 to 30, 2022.

If an election were held today, 33% would vote for the Conservative Party, 32% for the Liberal Party, 19% for the NDP and 7% for the BQ.

These numbers are all within the margin of error of the results of last year’s federal election.

The latest numbers send unclear signals to the two leading parties: Conservatives will wonder if what felt like positive momentum is dwindling, and Liberals will wonder if what felt like declining support has stopped. Only time, events, and more data over time will tell which scenario is accurate.


In the three provinces that elect the largest proportion of seats to the House of Commons, the result indicate a three-way race in BC, a tied race between the Conservatives and Liberals in Ontario, and the Liberals with a narrow (4 point) lead over the BQ in Quebec. The Liberals have a wide lead in Atlantic Canada and the Conservatives have a huge advantage in the Prairies.


While more people are dissatisfied with Ottawa’s performance, our latest numbers show modest improvement for the government, after seeing satisfaction levels deteriorate in recent months. Today, 36% are satisfied, and 49% are dissatisfied.


Public feelings about Prime Minister Trudeau had been deteriorating through our surveying over the summer but the latest results show no further decline. The shift is small enough to be cautious not to over-interpret a single data point. The Prime Minister’s negatives still stand at 50% – the second highest negative reading we’ve seen during his time in politics.


For the last couple of years, Jagmeet Singh has been the most popular of the federal leaders, at one time his net rating was +21 (46% positive/25% negative). Since then, his positives have slid to 34% and his negatives have risen to 31%, leaving him with a +3 net rating.


At the start of the Conservative leadership race, 42% had an opinion about Mr. Poilievre. Today as the race wraps up, only 49% have an opinion. During that time, his positives have always been in the 20%-22% range, and his negatives went from 22% to 27%.


According to Bruce Anderson: “As the Trudeau government heads to a Cabinet and full caucus retreat the public opinion data will provide some encouragement that the deterioration we were seeing may have stalled. At the same time, there is not much evidence of enthusiasm for the Liberals, with dissatisfaction numbers near all-time highs, including for the Prime Minister. Roughly 7 million voters are looking for something they aren’t finding right now from the Trudeau government. For the Conservatives, the numbers also are mixed tidings – this leadership race has not created any momentum for the Party, and the perceptions of the likely winner have moved the wrong way, albeit only modestly. As things stand, they are highly competitive, but not winning many new hearts and minds, despite the evident vulnerability of the Liberals.”

According to David Coletto: “The Canadian political environment continues to be deeply fragmented. The Liberals and Conservatives are deadlocked in vote intentions, disapproval with the federal government and Mr. Trudeau is higher than it has been. But at the same time, Mr. Singh’s negatives have risen while his positives have dropped. More view Mr. Poilievre negatively than positively but he’s a blank canvas to many. How Canadians who don’t know Mr. Poilievre will react to him will be what I’m watching most closely over the next few months.”


The survey was conducted with 1,500 Canadian adults from August 26 to 30, 2022. A random sample of panelists were invited to complete the survey from a set of partner panels based on the Lucid exchange platform. These partners are typically double opt-in survey panels, blended to manage out potential skews in the data from a single source.

The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.6% 19 times out of 20.

The data were weighted according to census data to ensure that the sample matched Canada’s population according to age, gender, educational attainment, and region. Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

This survey was paid for by Abacus Data Inc.

Abacus Data follows the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that can be found here:


We are the only research and strategy firm that helps organizations respond to the disruptive risks and opportunities in a world where demographics and technology are changing more quickly than ever.

We are an innovative, fast-growing public opinion and marketing research consultancy. We use the latest technology, sound science, and deep experience to generate top-flight research-based advice to our clients. We offer global research capacity with a strong focus on customer service, attention to detail, and exceptional value.

We were one of the most accurate pollsters conducting research during the 2021 Canadian election following up on our outstanding record in 2019.

Contact us with any questions.

Find out more about how we can help your organization by downloading our corporate profile and service offering.