June 15, 2016
As the Government of Canada embarks on a sweeping review of the country’s cultural policies, we are pleased to share details about an upcoming national public opinion study, and to invite your organization to be a partner & sponsor of this work.
Canadian Content in a Digital Age will explore how Canadians feel about the public policy implications of the shift towards digital media and the role of public policy in supporting Canadian content creation.
Our subscription-based, syndicated study, will explore:
• How consumption preferences have changed and where are they may be heading
• Thoughts about current public policy designed to support Canadian content
• Priorities and expectations when it comes future policy in this area
• Reaction to ideas to meet economic and cultural goals through public policy
• Consideration of different demographic, regional, cultural, and generational factors
Subscribers to this project will discuss and shape areas of focus for the study, receive customized presentations of results, as well as detailed reports of our findings.
If you would like to know more about being a subscriber to this unique and timely study, please drop us a note at Bruce ( or David (
Click on the image below for more details about this study:


Canada at 150 is a new syndicated study series produced by the team at Abacus Data. Studies will explore topics such as Canadian content in the digital era, marijuana, the future of unions, energy and the environment, healthcare transformation, generational disruptions, and the future of science, tech, and research in Canada.
For more information about subscribing to the syndicated studies, please contact either Bruce Anderson ( or David Coletto (